Residency 需求

为了避免支付任何非居民的学费,你需要建立你的加州 住院医生实习期 status with our 招生 office. Here, we help you get an understanding 加州的居住要求,谁应该建立居住权,以及你如何 should go about doing it.

Please don’t hesitate to 电子邮件 or 呼叫 the 招生 & Records office if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

What Are California’s Residency 需求?

居住是由实际存在和意图证据的结合决定的 在确定居留前一年将加州作为永久居住地 日期. 住所确定日期为开业前一天 day of a semester or session.

如果您建立了居留权,这意味着您不需要支付额外的非居民费用 学费.

Who Needs to Take This Step?

加州法律规定,申请入学的学生或正在申请入学的学生 是否目前正在注册并要求住院医师重新分类提供信息 and evidence to determine his or her status.


Physical Presence


在居留决定日期前一年的实际存在包括 but is not limited to:
Rental/lease agreement
Employment paystubs
Bank statements



如果你不能建立居住权,你仍然可以建立意图 住院医生实习期.

Acceptable intent includes but is not limited to:
Filing California state taxes as a resident.
在休假和收入证明期间,维持加州为合法居住地 and W-2 forms while in the military. 
Possession of a valid Resident California Vehicle 登记.
Possession of a valid California Driver's License.
注册ing to vote and voting in California.
Being a petitioner for divorce in California.
Obtain licensing from California for professional practice.
注册ing for Selective Service.

具有移民或非移民身份的学生也可能需要提交 核实他们的申请日期或从美国调整身份.S. 公民身份 and Immigration Services (美国入籍与移民服务局).

Residency for Different Situations

根据你的生活状况,可能有不同的方式来建立居住权. So we’ve compiled some mini-guides to help!

When Do I Need To Do This?

When is Documentation Due?

所有文件必须在期末考试周开始前一周收到 for full-semester-length classes. 

注意:当前学期日期请参见重要日期和截止日期. 没有上诉或 documents will be accepted once final exams have begun. 

免责声明:在居留页面上发布的信息并不是一个完整的解释 of the 住院医生实习期 laws and regulations. Some cases require more extensive investigation and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 然而, the burden of proof to clearly 表现出实际存在和意图是学生的责任.